Authors |
Ramenskaya Alena Alekseevna, Postgraduate student, Udmurt State University (1 Universitetskaya street, Izhevsk, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The problem of pre-trial stages in criminal cases with regard to medical workers is due to complex medical terminology, a large amount of medical documentation that must be investigated by law enforcement agencies without special knowledge. To establish all the circumstances of the case, it is necessary to designate the limits of proof based on the elements of the crime contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which will ensure a more efficient process of proof.
Materials and methods. In order to achieve the objectives, the judicial practice on the crimes enshrined in articles 109, 123, 124 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was analyzed. The methodological basis of the research was the general scientific dialectic method of cognition and private scientific methods, including the system-functional, formal-logical, comparative-legal, technical-legal, and legal modeling methods.
Results. The range of general circumstances to be proved for professional crimes committed by medical workers has been determined. It has been established that the limits of proof for each particular criminal case will be different and the circumstances to be proved will have their own specific feature, which follows from the rules of substantive law.
Conclusions. The process of proving crimes committed by medical professionals has a major role in determining the circumstances of the case and achieving the goals of criminal proceedings at the pre-trial stages. From the correct definition of the subject and the limits of proof depends on the outcome of the case at the judicial stages of the process.
References |
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